Louis Adamič

Zbirka Ms 1858


INVENTARNA ŠTEVILKA: 6/54, 25/61, 28/85, 20/98, 22/2003

PROVENIENCA: Josip Vidmar, Ljubljana; Ivo Pirkovič, Ljubljana; Drago Druškovič, Ljubljana; Tine Kurent, Ljubljana; Trubarjev antikvariat (nakup), Ljubljana

OBSEG: 3.042 + 74 prilog

OPOMBA: Zapuščina

I. 1. Dokumenti o osebnem statusu:

I. 1. 1. Rodbinske pole in rodovniki (7)

I. 1. 2. Statement by Louis Adamic at the American Consulate in Zagreb, Yugoslavia, on February 20, 1933 (1)

I. 2. Dokumenti o izobrazbi in zaslugah (1)

I. 3. Biografije (1)

I. 4. Bibliografije (4)

I. 5. Fotografsko gradivo:

I. 5. 1. Portreti in družinske fotografije (9):

I. 5. 1. 1. Fotografija kipa Louisa Adamiča (1)

I. 5. 1. 2. Portreti z znanimi osebami:

Portret z Josipom Brozom Titom (1), Portret z Edvardom Kardeljem (1)

I. 5. 2. Skupinske in vojne fotografije (21)

I. 5. 3. Portreti prijateljev in znancev (2)

I. 5. 4. Splavitev ladje Nikola Tesla (2)

II. 1. Proza:

Aliens and alien-baiters (1), America and Trieste, God and the Russians: a letter to the honorable James F. Byrnes, secretary of state / United Committee of South-Slavic Americans: 1946. – Tisk. (1), Američan v svoji stari domovini; Kriza ameriškega individualizma (2 + 2 prilogi), An approach to the postwar problem (1), Bedni otroci v Ameriki (1), Belgrade – boom town of the Balkans (2), The Bohunks (1 + 1 priloga), A Bohunk woman; Enigma (2), Business (1 + 1 priloga), Če je človek iz dveh domovin (2 + 1 priloga), Človek z dušo glej Mesto v zraku, Death in Carniola glej Smrt na Kranjskem, Dalmatia – a peasant riviera (1), Enigma glej A Bohunk woman, From many lands (1), Graduate and post-graduate courses in revolution glej Yugoslavia: 1918–1940: a thumbnail sketch, Home again from America (1 + 9 prilog), An Immigrant's America (1), Kralj Lukaš glej Mesto v zraku, Kriza ameriškega individualizma glej Američan v svoji stari domovini, The land of laughs glej Superman, Liberals in Los Angeles (1 + 1 priloga), The liberation front in Yugoslavia (1), Ljubezen v Ameriki; Mladi svet u Americi (2 + 1priloga), Los Angeles! There she blows; Voltaire from Kansas (2), The man with the big head; Philippine interlude (2), Mesto v zraku; Kralj Lukaš; Človek z dušo (4), Mladi svet u Americi glej Ljubezen v Ameriki, Music and the masses glej The word of Satan in the Bible: christians rightly regard ecclesiastes suspiciously, My friend in Herzegovina (2), Naseljenčeva Amerika (1), The native's return (7), Oporuka umirućeg partizana glej Testament of a dying partisan, Philippine interlude glej The man with the big head, Pogovor; Razvoj američkog individualizma (2 + 2 prilogi), Racketeers and organized labor; Sabotage: first hand testimony from an ex-workingman (2), Razvoj američkog individualizma glej Pogovor, Sabotage: first hand testimony from an ex-workingman glej Racketeers and organized labor, Sacco in Vanzetti glej Slučaj Money-Billings, Sincerely Yours: a Correspondence, Slučaj Money-Billings; Sacco in Vanzetti (2 + 1 priloga), Smrt na Kranjskem; Death in Carniola (2), Superman; The land of laughs (2), Testament of a dying partisan; Oporuka umirućeg partizana (3), Testament of dying guerilla (1), Tito simply had to win in Yugoslavia (1), Uganka (1 + 1 priloga), Vobliji (1), Voltaire from Kansas glej Los Angeles! There she blows, Wedding in Carniola (1), What next in Jugoslavia (1 + 2 prilogi), What Hitler did to my friends (1), Who killed the King? (1), The word of Satan in the Bible: christians rightly regard ecclesiastes suspiciously; Music and the Masses (2), A young man working toward something bigger than himself glej Yugoslavia: 1918–1940: a thumbnail sketch, The Yugoslav speech in America (1), Yugoslavia: 1918–1940: a thumbnail sketch; A young man working toward something bigger than himself; Graduate and post-graduate courses in revolution (3), Yugoslavia, Tito and the partisans (2), Zakaj je Tito moral zmagati. – Prevedel Mirko G. Kuhel (1), Žena iz Dalmacije (2 + 1 priloga), Brez naslova (6)

II. 1. 1.Članki (27 + 1 priloga) glej tudi Tiski: Serijske publikacije: The Christian Register: Unitarian, Read in Readers Digest

II. 2. Avtorsko gradivo (5 + 2 prilogi)

Ana Adamič (1, 1926), Bart Anders (1, 1944), Zlatko Baloković (3, 1944), Joseph Barnes (1, 1944), Andress Bart (2, 1944), Nick Bez (4, 1944–1945), M. J. Bogdanovich (7 + 1 priloga, 1943–1944 in b. d.), Josip Broz - Tito (2 + 1 priloga), James F. Byrnes (1, 1943), Sam Caddy (1, 1945), Vincent Cainkar (4, 1942–1944) glej tudi Mirko Kuhel, Joyce Campbell (1, 1946), The Chronicle (1, b. d.), Winston Churchill (1, 1943), The Convention of the League of Canadian Slovenes (2, b. d.), Milan Curcin (7, 1933–1935), Ivan Marija Čok (1, 1943), The Daily American (1, 1949), Elmer Davis (1. b. d.), Vera Micheles Dean (1, 1946), Vladimir Dedijer (2, 1950 in b. d.), Dwight David Eisenhower (2, 1943–1946), John Evich (1, 1944), Clifton Fadiman (1, 1944), Fish (1, 1944), Carolin Flexner (2 + 1 priloga, 1943), Foerster (1, 1934), Milena Gachinovich (1, 1943), Gaeth (1, 1944), Greek American Committee for National Unity (1, 1944) glej tudi M. Mandelenakis, Andrei A. Gromyko (1, 1943), Robert K. Haas (1, 1934), Donald Hall (1, 1943), Heath (1 + 2 prilogi, b. d.), Hughes (1, 1944), Hutton (1, b. d.), Janka (1, 1943), Jones (1, 1944), Edvard Kardelj (1, 1946), Dorothy Klarich (1, 1944), Mil Klopčič (1, 1937), Sava Kosanovich (3, 1944), Etbin Kristan (2, 1942 in b. d.), Mirko Kuhel (2 + 1 priloga, 1944), Tine Kurent (4, 1949–1950), Fiorello H. LaGuardia (2 + 1 priloga, 1943–1944), Frank Lausche (1, b. d.), H. H. Lehman (1, 1944), Read Lewis (1 + 1 priloga, 1944), Archibald MacLeish (1, 1944), McKelvay (1, b. d.), Warren Magnuson (1, 1946), Strahinja Maletich (2, 1944), William Thomas Manning (1, 1943), Vera Micheles glej Vera Micheles Dean, Saul Mills (1 + 2 prilogi, 1944), Ivan Molek (1, 1928), Geoffrey Parsons (1, 1944), Richard C. Patterson (1, 1944), Frano Petrinovich (1, 1944), Petrovich (1, 1943), DeWitt C. Poole (2, 1943–1944), Stoyan Pribichevich (21, 1942–1945 in b. d.), Ivan Ribar (1, 1943), Janko N. Rogelj (5, 1942–1943), Anna Eleanor Roosevelt (6, 1942–1944), Franklin Delano Roosevelt (7, 1943–1944 in b. d.), Bozhin Simich (1, 1944), Simms (3, 1944), Josip Smodlaka (2, 1944), Starcevich (1, 1944), Šabec (1, 1943), The United Committee of American Croatians, Serbians and Slovenians (1, 1943), Sumner Welles (2, 1943), David Williamson (1, 1944), Walter Winchell (1, 1944), George Wuchinich (1, 1944), Xanthaky (2, 1943), Yugoslavs in U. S. and Canada (1, b. d.), Kazimir Zakrajšek (3, 1943 in b. d.), Neugotovljeni naslovnik (3, 1943 in b. d.)

III. 1. Fotografije pisem neugotovljenim naslovnikom (30)

Fran Albrecht (2, 1932), All Slavic Council of Northern California (1, 1944), Frederick L. Allen (1, 1943), Carl Alpert (1, 1943), Jacob Ambrozic (1, 1944), American Association of University Women (1, 1943), American Committee for Free Yugoslavia glej Nick Bez, American Committee for Protection of Foreign Born glej Abner Green, American Committee for the Yugoslav Relief Ship glej Helene Blanchard in Sidney Rowen, American Foundation for the Blind glej Robert B. Irwin, American Fraternal Union glej Janko N. Rogelj, American Friends of Greece glej Stephen P. Ladas, American Insurance Agency glej Frank E. Vranicar, The American Jugoslav Printing & Publishing Co. glej Anton Šubelj, Ameriška bratska zveza glej American Fraternal Union, Andrew Apostolidies (1, 1944), Army Service Forces glej Eugene L. R. Laning, F. N. Arnoldy glej Charlotte Muzar, Joyce Baloković (2, 1944), Zlatko Baloković (3, 1944), W. Warren Barbour (1, 1943), Joseph Barnes (1, 1944), Branko Bechiz (1, 1944), Margaret Bennett (1, 1944), Silas Bent (1, 1943), Leonard R. Bester (1, 1944), Fred M. Betz (1, 1944), Nick Bez (4, 1944), Francis Biddle (1, 1943), D. W. Bishop (1 + 1 priloga, 1944), Hugo L. Black glej Anne Celeste Butt, Helene Blanchard (3 + 3 priloge, 1944), Samuel W. Bloom (1, 1944), Broco glej Victor H. Selinger, Anne Cowley Boardman (1, 1943), Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System (Washington) glej M. S. Szimczak, M. J. Bogdanovich (7 + 1 priloga, 1943–1944 in b. d.), Blair Bolles (2, 1942 in b. d.), Frances P. Bolton (1, 1943), M. Thérèse Bonney (1, 1944), Richard Borovac (1, 1944), Preston Bredley (1, 1943), John D. Bridge (1, 1944), Styles Bridges (1, 1943), British Embassy (Washington, D. C.), glej Donald J. Hall, Alexander Brooke (1, 1943), Cecil Brown (1, 1943), Josip Broz - Tito glej Gradivo: Josip Broz - Tito, Bulgarian-American Committee of New York glej Victor Sharenkoff, Zarko M. Buncick (2, 1943), Bureau of Special Services glej D. W. Bishop, Adam Burja (1 + 1 priloga, 1944), Mirko Burja (4 + 1 priloga, 1943–1944), Shirley Burke (1, 1943), V. Bush (1, 1943), John D. Butkovich (2, 1943), Anne Celeste Butt (2, 1943–1946), Vincent Cainkar (6, 1942–1944 in b. d.), Joyce Campbell (1, 1944), The Canada Life Assurance Company glej A. Gordon Ramsay, Canadian Broadcasting Corporation glej Matt Smith, Dale Carnegie (1, 1944) glej tudi Dorothy Vanderpool, Carnegie Institution of Washington glej V. Bush, Anne Cawley glej Anne Cawley Boardman, Anne Celeste glej Anne Celeste Butt, The Central European Observer glej Rennie Smith, Chamber of Commerce of the United States (Washington) glej Eric A. Johnson, Children's Home of the Croatian Fraternal Union of America glej George C. Kutuzovich, Paul Michael Chuchic (1, 1944), Church of the Nativity glej Vital Vodušek, Daniel H. Clare (1, 1943), Lincoln Clarc (2 + 2 prilogi, 1944), Margaret Clemson glej Margaret Clemson Ward, Cleveland glej Frank J. Lausche, Columbia Dictionary of Modern European Literature glej Horatio Smith, Columbia Spectator glej Walter D. Scott, Commissar of Foreign Affairs Committee of National Liberation of Jugoslavia glej Josip Smodlaka, Congress of the United States (Washington D. C.) glej Frances P. Bolton, Matthew J. Connelly, Wirt Courtney, Charles S. Dewey, J. W. Fulbright, Thomas S. Gordon, Pete Jarman, Luther A. Johnson, Bartel J. Jonkman, Howard J. McMurray, A. C. Schiffler, John H. Tolen in James W. Wadsworth, Matthew J. Connelly (1, 1945), Council of World Affairs glej Brooks Emeny, Wirt Courtney (1, 1943), Alan Cranston (4 + 1 priloga, 1943), S. H. Cross (1 + 1 priloga, 1944), Joseph Cuculic (1, b. d.), Ivan M. Čok (2 + 1 priloga, 1943), Milan Čurčin (7, 1933–34), John A. Danaher (1, 1943), Leigh Danenberg (1, 1944), Jonathan Daniels (1, 1943), Noelle Davis (1, 1944), Vera Micheles Dean (1, 1934), Vladimir Dedijer (5, 1951 in b. d.), Dorothy Dennis (1, 1944), Department of State. Office of Foreign Relief and Rehabilitation Operations glej George Xanthaki, Department of the Interior (1, 1944), Karl Detzer (1, 1943), Victor E. Deveraux (1, 1943), Charles S. Dewey (1, 1943), Thomas E. Dewey (1, 1943), Diocese of Western Massachusetts glej W. Appleton Lawrence, Dragutin Domac (1, 1944), Kimon A. Doukas (1 + 1 priloga, 1944), F. Z. Dujmović (1, 1944), Milan Durman (2, 1932), Embassy of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (Washington D. C.) glej N. Matveeva in P. Sliousarenko, Brooks Emeny (1, 1943), Erna Esther Englander (1, 1936), Clifton Fadiman (1 + 1 priloga, 1944), Byron E. Farwell (1, 1944), Federacija društev S. N. P. J. glej Jacob Ambrozic, First Union Congregational Church glej Herman F. Reissig, Hamilton V. Fish (3, 1944), D. F. Fleming (1, 1943), Carolin A. Flexner (4, 1943), Norman Foerster (1, 1934), Foreign Economic Administration glej W. V. Griffin, Foreign Policy Association glej Vera Micheles Dean, Fortune: Time & Life Building glej Alexander Brooke in Merrit Perkins, Felix Frankfurter (1, 1943), Friends of Democracy (1, 1944), J. W. Fulbright (1, 1943), Ana Furlan (1 + 2 prilogi, 1944), William S. Gailmor (1, 1944), Jane Winsor Gale (1, 1943), Ted R. Gamble (1, 1943), General Motors Overseas Operations glej S. Menton, Walter F. George (1, 1943), Guy M. Gillette (1, 1943), Goranin glej Lujo Weissmann - Goranin, Thomas S. Gordon (1, 1943), Frank P. Graham (1, 1943), Rosemary Greening (1, 1944), W. V. Griffin (1, 1943), Greek American Committee National Unity (1, 1944), Abner Green (2 + 2 prilogi, 1944), Theodore Francis Green (1, 1943),Caroline Greenfield (1, 1943), Allen Grover (1, 1943), Alfonz Gspan (1, 1933), Robert F. Haas (2, 1934), Jerry Hafner (1, b. d.), Donald J. Hall (5, 1943), Robert Hammerschlag (1, 1944), Harper's Magazine glej Frederick L. Allen, Harrison Smith and Robert Haas, Inc. glej Robert F. Haas, Albert W. Hawkes (1, 1943), S. Burton Heath (1, b. d.), Lillian Hellman (1, 1943), Help the Children Committee glej James Wood Johnson, Herald Tribune (New York) (1, 1944) glej tudi Joseph Barnes in Geoffrey A. Parsons, Ben Hibbs (3, 1942), Russel Hill (1, 1944), Adolph Hoffmeister (1, 1944), The Horizon Club glej Caroline Greenfield, Ivan Hribar (2, 1932), M. R. Humble (1, 1943), Louis Huot (5, 1944), Marion E. Hutton (1, 1944), Indiana University glej Kimon A. Doukas, The Institute for Advanced Study glej B. D. Meritt, Intercoastal Packing Company glej Nick Bez, Robert B. Irwin (1, 1944), Robert H. Jackson (1, 1943), Božidar Jakac glej Gradivo: Božidar Jakac, A. Hand James (1, 1943), Dragan Jankovic (1, 1943), Edo Jardas (2 + 1 priloga, 1944 in b. d.), Pete Jarman (1, 1943), Norman D. Jay (2, 1943–1944), Walter John (1, 1944), John Simon Guggenheim Memorial Foundation glej Henry Allen Moe, James Wood Johnson (1, 1943), Luther A. Johnson (1, 1943), Eric A. Johnson (1, 1943), Bartel J. Jonkman (1, 1943), Jugoslav American Herald glej Alexander Rizov, Jugoslavensko pripomočno društvo (1, 1944), Jakov Kabilio (1, 1944), Edvard Kardelj glej Gradivo: Edvard Kardelj, Helen Johnson Keyes (1, 1944), Dorothy Klarich (2, 1944 in b. d.), Slavo Klemenčič (2 + 1 priloga, 1944), Mile Klopčič (9, 1931–1932), Klub Ljubljana glej Helena Kušar, Knjigarna tiskovne zadruge (Ljubljana) glej Alfonz Gspan, Vlado Koljensic (1, 1944), Sava N. Kosanović (4, 1944 in b. d.), Sava N. Kosanovich glej Sava N. Kosanovich, Dinko Kovacevich glej M. J. Bogdanovich, Leonard Kovačić (1 + 1 priloga: fotografija, 1933), Juš Kozak (6, 1932–1936), Bratko Kreft (3, 1932), Miha Krek (3, 1941–1942 in b. d.), O. Krim (1, 1944), Etbin Kristan (4, 1942–1943), A. Leon Kubowitzki (1, 1943), Lovro Kuhar (2, 1935 in b. d.), J. J. Kuharic (1, b. d.), Mirko Kuhelj (22 + 3 priloge, 1943–1944), Helena Kušar (1, 1944), George C. Kutuzovich (1, 1943), Fiorello N. La Guardia (1, 1944) glej tudi New York. Office of the Mayor, Stepen P. Ladas (1, 1944), Archer Laíra (1, 1944), The Lamar Daily News glej Fred M. Betz, E. S. Land (1, 1943), Eugene L. R. Laning (1, 1944), O. S. Lamson (1, b. d.), Frank J. Lausche (2, 1943), W. Appleton Lawrence (1, 1943), David Lazar (1, 1944), J. Arthur Lazell (1, 1944), V. J. Lazovich (1 + 1 priloga, 1943), League of Canadian Croatians glej Edo Jardas, League of Canadian Slovenes glej Ludvik Troha, Stanko Leben (1, 1932), Nicholas Lemtugov (2 + 1 priloga, 1944), The Library of Congress (Washington) glej Archibald MacLeish, Maxim Lieber (3, 1944), Ljubljanski zvon glej Fran Albrecht in Tone Seliškar, H. C. Lodge (1, 1943), Donald J. Lotrich (1, 1943), Jacob H. Lowrey (1, 1944), Blaz A. Lucas (3, 1944), Henry R. Luce (1, 1943), R. J. Lynch (1, 1943), Archibald MacLeish (1, 1943), Rose M. Madunich (1, 1944), Warren G. Magnuson (1 + 1 priloga, 1946), M. Mandelenakis (1, 1944), Strahinja Maletich (8 + 9 priloga, 1943–1944), Lawrence R. Mallery (1, 1944), Marian M. Mallery glej Lawrence R. Mallery, Francis Maloney (1, 1943), Isabel Manning Hewson (1 + 1 priloga, 1943), P. H. Maraist glej Abner Green, B. Marković (1, 1944), B. Markovich glej B. Marković, Mirko Marković (4, 1943–1944), B. Markovich glej B. Marković, N. Matveeva (1, 1943), Francis C. McCall (1, 1943), Anne O'Harra McCormick (1, 1943), Rosemary McCormick (1, 1943), Mary E. McCoy (1, 1944), Mary Craig McGeachy (1, 1944), Pete McGovern (1, 1944), Howard J. McMurray (1, 1943), Carey McWilliams (2, 1944 in b. d.), William Brown Meloney (1, 1943), S. Menton (1, 1944), B. D. Meritt (1, 1943), The Methodist Church (Boston) glej G. Bromley Oxnam, Metro Goldwin-Mayer Pictures glej Margaret Bennett, Berta Metzger (1, 1935), Vera Micheles glej Vera Micheles Dean, B. N. Milosevich (1, 1943), Nicholas Mirkovich (4, 1942), Ivan Mladineo (1, 1934), Henry Allen Moe (1, 1935), Frank Monaghan (1, 1944), Monmouth College glej Mary E. McCoy, Richard W. Morin (1, 1944), Joe Alex Morris (1, 1940), N. A. Muick (1, 1944), Frank Munk (4, 1944), Frank Murphy (1, 1943), James E. Murray (1, 1943), Charlotte Muzar (2 + 1 priloga, 1944), M. Nalley (2, 1944), Jerome Nathanson (1, 1943), National Broadcasting Company glej Francis C. McCall in Niles Trammell, National Citizens Political Action Committee glej Frank Serri, National Council of American Croatians glej John D. Butkovich, National Council of American-Soviet Friendship glej Noelle Davis, The National League of American Pen Women glej Margaret Clemson Ward, National War Labour Board glej Frank P. Graham, Nea Service (1, 1944), Boris Erich Nelson (1 + 1 priloga, 1944), The New Palestine glej Carl Alpert, New York. Office of the Mayor (1, 1944), The New York Times glej Anne O'Hare McCormick, William J. Nichols (2, 1943), N. T. Nemetz (1, 1944), Arthur Northwood Jr. glej Gradivo: Drobno gradivo, Norwegian Embassy glej Hans Olav, Thelma Nurenberg (1, 1944), Frank W. Nye (1, 1944), Frank Oblak (1, 1944), The Office of Censorship (Washington) glej Joe Alex Morris, Office of State Administrator. Treasury Department glej James Vlamos, Office of Strategic Services (Washington, D. C.) glej David Williamson, Office of the Attorney General glej Francis Biddle, Office of War Information glej Alan Cranston, J. Arthur Lazell, Constantine Poulos in Clifton Read, Anne O'Hare glej Anne O'Hare McCormick, Hans Olav (1, 1944), F. H. Osborn (1, 1943), G. Bromley Oxnam (1, 1943), Michael Padev (3, 1944 in b. d.), Geoffrey A. Parsons (2, 1944–1949), L. Patteson: (1 + 1 priloga, 1944), Richard C. Patterson glej Gladys Sanders, Peter Peff glej Victor Sharenkoff, The Peoples Church of Chicago glej Preston Bredley, Claude Pepper (1, 1943), George Perazich (1, 1944), Merrit Perkins (2, 1943), Franjo Petrinović (7, 1942–1944), Mihailo Petrović (1, 1943), Anatole Phillipoff (1, 1944), Mary L. Pirović (1, 1944), Lily Pons (2 + 1 priloga, 1944), DeWitt C. Poole (1, 1943), Stevan Popovic (1, 1944), Constantine Poulos (1, 1944), Prežihov Voranc glej Lovro Kuhar, Stoyan Pribichevich (28, 1942–1945 in b. d.) glej tudi Ann Watkins, Srdja Prica (1, 1944), Marie C. Prisland (2 + 1 priloga, 1943–1944), Anka Prstojevich (1, 1943), Eli Radic (1, 1944), Savo Radulovich (1, 1944), Klub pomoraca Jugoslavije (1, 1944), A. Gordon Ramsay (1, 1935), Clifton Read (1, 1943), Hayden Raynor (1, 1943), Herman F. Reissig (1, 1944), Frank Rezek (1 + 1 priloga, 1943), Ruth Richter glej Merrit Perkins, The Riverside Church (1, 1943), Alexander Risov glej Alexander Rizov, Alexander Rizov (2, 1943–1944), O. Roberts (1, 1943), Janko N. Rogelj (16 + 3 priloge, 1942–1944), Ruth Bryan Olen Rohde (1, 1943), Anna Eleanor Roosevelt (12 + 4 priloge, 1936–1943), Franklin Delano Roosevelt (5, 1942–1944 in b. d.), Sidney Roven (1, 1944), Royal Yugoslav Government glej Miha Krek, Wiley Rutledge (1, 1943), Royal Yugoslav Information Center glej Anna Traven, San Francisco Chronicle (1, 1944), Gladys Sanders (1, 1944), The Saturday Evening Post glej Ben Hibbs, Eugene F. Saxton (1, 1934), A. C. Schiffler (1, 1943), Ruth Schwarzchild (1, 1944), Walter D. Scott (1 + 1 priloga, 1943), Scripps-Howard Newspapers glej William Philip Simms, R. A. Seelig (1, 1943), Gilbert Seldes (1, 1935), Victor H. Selinger (1 + 1 priloga, 1944), Tone Seliškar (1, 1932), Frank Serri (1, 1944), John Severovic (1, 1944), W. T. Sexton (1, 1943), Victor Sharenkoff (4 + 1 priloga, 1934–1943), Shell glej Abner Green, Jesse H. Shera (1, 1943), B. Simić (2, 1944), William Philip Simms (1, 1944), Upton Sinclair (1, 1943), Skouras Theatres Corporation glej Andrew Apostolidies, P. Sliousarenko (1, 1944), Slobodna reč glej Srdja Prica, Rosalis Slocum (2, 1944), Slovene National Benefit Society glej Vincent Cainkar in Donald J. Lotrich, Slovenian American National Council glej Janko N. Rogelj, Slovenian Women's Union of America glej Slovenska ženska zveza, Slovenska ženska zveza glej Marie C. Prisland, Slovenski partizani na Visu, člani kulturne skupine X. udarne Ljubljanske brigade (1, 1944), Horatio Smith (1, 1944), Lucian S. Smith (1, 1936), Matt Smith (1, 1943), Rennie Smith (1, 1944), Josip Smodlaka (2, 1944), Franc Snoj (2, 1942), The Society for Ethical Culture in the City of New York glej Jerome Nathanson, Theresa Speck (1 + 1 priloga, b. d.), Max Starcevich (5, 1944), Julia Starcevich (1, 1944), Estelle M. Sternberger (1 + 1 priloga, 1943), DeWitt Stetten (1, 1943), Rex Stout (1, 1943), John Strauss (1, 1942), Nikander Strelsky (3, 1944), H. W. Stuart (1, 1944), Supreme Court of the United States (Washington D. C.) glej Anne Celeste Butt, Felix Frankfurter, Robert H. Jackson, Frank Murphy in O. Roberts, A. D. Surles (2, 1943), Emanuel Sweet (1 + 1 priloga, 1944), Raymond Swing (1, 1944), Herbert Bayard Swope (1, 1943), M. S. Szimczak (1, 1943), Souren Tashian (1, 1944), This Week glej William N. Nichols, Elbert D. Thomas (1, 1943), Anton Šubelj (1, 1943), Time glej Allen Grover in Henry R. Luce, Tito glej Josip Broz, John H. Tolen (1, 1943), Jozo Tomasevic (3, 1944), Niles Trammell (1, 1944), Anna Traven (4, 1943–1944 in b. d.), Vaso Trivanovich (3 + 1 priloga, 1944), Ludvik Troha (1 + 1 priloga, 1944), Geo. M. Trunck (1, 1943), James M. Tunnell (1, 1943), The United Committee of South-Slavic Americans glej Charlotte Muzar, Alexander Rizov in Anna Traven, United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Administration glej Lincoln Clarc, Mary Craig McGeachy, Frank Munk in George Perazich, United States Senate glej W. Warren Barbour, Styles Bridges, John A. Danaher, Walter F. George, Guy M. Gillette, Theodore Francis Green, Albert W. Hawkes, H. C. Lodge, Warren G. Magnuson, Francis Maloney, Rosemary McCormick, James E. Murray, Claude Pepper, R. A. Seelig, Elbert D. Thomas, Todd Packing Company glej Nick Bez, Treasury Department Washington glej Shirley Burke in Ted R. Gamble, James M. Tunnell in Robert Wagner, U. S. Army Air Forces glej Marion E. Hutton, U. S. Army Strategic Balkan Services glej F, N, Arnoldy [Pri Charlote Muzar], United States Army glej Robert Hammerschlag, United States Maritime Commission glej E. S. Land, Vanderbilt University (Nashvill, Tennessee) glej D. F. Fleming, D. C. Vandercook (1, b. d.), Dorothy Vanderpool (1, 1944), Carl Van Doren (1, 1943), Max Vanka (3 + 1 priloga, 1943 in b. d.), Vladimir L. Velebit (1, 1944), James Vlamos (1, 1944), Vital Vodušek (1, 1944), Frank E. Vranicar (1, 1944), Michael Vrhovnik (2 + 1 priloga, 1942–1943), James W. Wadsworth (1, 1943), Robert Wagner (1, 1943), War Department (1, 1943) (Washington D. C.) glej tudi Karl Detzer, Frank Monaghan, F. H. Osborn, W. T. Sexton, in A. D. Surles, War Emergency Advisory Section in the United States of the Save the Children International Union glej Nicholas Lemtugov, War Food Administration (Washington) (1, 1943), War Relief Fund of Americans of South Slavic Descend glej Joyce Baloković, Margaret Clemson Ward (1, 1944), Warehouse War Fund of Americans of South Slavic Descent (1, 1944), Ives Washburn glej Rosemary Greening, Washington (State) glej Richard W. Morin, Ann Watkins (1, 1943), Lujo Weissmann - Goranin (2, 1944), C. M. Wesson (1, 1943), Sumner Welles (3, 1943), Leigh White (2, 1943), Wallace H. White (1, 1943), Raymond E. Willis (1, 1943), David Williamson (1, 1944), John L. B. Williams (3, 1944), Wendell L. Wilkie (1, 1944), Alexander F. Whitney (2, 1944), Women's International League for Peace and Freedom glej Lawrence R. Mallery, World Jewish Congress glej A. Leon Kubowitzki, Writers' War Board glej Clifton Fadiman in Rex Stout, George Xanthaki (3, 1943 in b. d.), Yank glej Savo Radulovich, Yugoslav Seamen's Club glej Klub pomoraca Jugoslavije, Kazimir Zakrajšek (6 + 2 prilogi, 1943 in b. d.), Zveza kanadskih Slovencev glej Ludvik Troha, Neugotovljeni pošiljatelji (12, 1943–1944 in b. d.)

IV. 1. Henry Adams:

IV. 1. 1. Članki:

From mont St. Michael and Charters (1)

IV. 2. J. W. Goethe: Pesnitev in resnica [Tipkopis s korekturami] (1, 1951–1954)

IV. 3. Matjaž Klemenčič:

IV. 3. 1. Proza:

Louis Adamič in druga svetovna vojna [Tisk] (1)

IV. 4. Sava N. Kosanović:

IV. 4. 1. Članki:

Mojim prijateljem (1)

IV. 5. J. S. Machar:

IV. 5. 1. Proza:

Superman (1)

IV. 6. L. Patteson:

IV. 6. 1. Proza:

American manners glej Korespondenca: L. Patteson

IV. 7. Janko N. Rogelj:

IV. 7. 1. Proza:

Zadnji sestanek z Adamičem (1)

IV. 8. Ilija Smičiklas:

IV. 8. 1. Poezija:

Našem velikom Slovencu Adamiču (1)

IV. 9. Alojzij Žitnik:

IV. 9. 1. Proza:

Svetovni politični položaj ob zaključku leta 1949 / Muljava, 1949 (1 + 1 priloga: pismo)

James Brunot > Irving Abramson (1, 1944), Tine Kurent > France Adamič (1, 1974), Linda King > Stella Adamič (1, 1944), Šubašić > American South Slav Committee (1 + 2 prilogi, 1944), Josip Broz - Tito > Ameriški Jugoslovani glej Nacionalni komitet oslobođenja Jugoslavije > Ameriški Jugoslovani, Nacionalni komitet oslobođenja Jugoslavije > Ameriški Jugoslovani (1, 1944), Dwight David Eisenhover > Bosko Babarovic glej Bosko Babarovic > Dwight David Eisenhover, Sava N. Kosanović > Zlatko Balokovic (4 + 1 priloga, 1944), Mirko Kuhel > Zlatko Balokovic (1, 1944), Frank E. Vranicar > Harry Best (1, 1944), Zlatko Balokovic > James Brunot (1, 1944), J. Rogel > Vincent Cainkar (1, 1944), Franc Snoj > Vincent Cainkar (1, 1943), Henry Allen Moe > Cass Canfield (1, 1935), Basil J. Rusovich Jr. > Curtis Publishing Co. (1, 1942), Norman Jay > De Casseres (1, 1944), Bosko Babarovic > Dwight David Eisenhover (1, b. d.), Ferdo Kozak > Boris Furlan glej Korespondenca: Ana Furlan, Borut Furlan > Družina Furlan glej Korespondenca: Ana Furlan, Henry Allen Moe > General Motors Corporation (1, 1935), Zlatko Balokovic, Strahinja Maletich in Mirko Kuhel > John Gornik (1, 1944), K. Zakrajšek > Grdina (1, 1942), General Motors Corporation > Gugenheim Foundation (1, 1935), G. H. Strickland > Guggenheim Foundation glej General Motors Corporation > Gugenheim Foundation, Neugotovljeni pošiljatelj > J. C. Keane (1, 1944), John E. Lokar > Frank J. Lausche (1, 1943), France Adamič > Hilda Lučovnik (1, 1976), Sava N. Kosanović > Strahinja Maletich (1, 1944), Josip Smodlaka > Strahinja Maletich (1, 1944), Frank J. Lausche > Meredith (1, 1945), J. Frank Pollock > Carlton E. Morse (1, 1943), The White House (Washington) > Robert R. Patterson (1, 1942), Military, Naval and Air Attache of Kingdom of Yugoslavia in the United States > Ante Pavelić (2, 1942–1943), Mil. V. Misović > Ante Pavelić glej Military, Naval and Air Attache of Kingdom of Yugoslavia in the United States > Ante Pavelić, Ziv. S. Radojcic > Ante Pavelić glej Military, Naval and Air Attache of Kingdom of Yugoslavia in the United States > Ante Pavelić, Nick Bez > Frano Petrinovic (1, 1944), C. George Peters > Frano Petrinovic (1, 1944), Stoyan Pribichevich > Franjo Petrinovic (1, 1942), International Committee for Political Prisoners > Leonide Pitamic (1, 1933), Carlton E. Morse > J. Frank Pollock (1 + 1 priloga: besedilo radijske igre Announcements and descriptions for one man's family, 1943), Zlatko Balokovic > Stoyan Pribichevich (1, 1946), Ante A. Pavelić > Živorad S. Radojčić (1, 1942), Robert P. Patterson > Anna Eleanor Roosevelt (1 + 1 priloga, 1942), Etbin Kristan > Franklin Delano Roosevelt glej Slovenian American National Council > Franklin Delano Roosevelt, Mirko G. Kuhel > Franklin Delano Roosevelt glej Slovenian American National Council > Franklin Delano Roosevelt, Slovenian American National Council > Franklin Delano Roosevelt (1, 1943), Harriman > The Secretary of State (1, 1943), Jozo Tomasevich > Victor H. Selinger (1, 1944), P. K. Zakrajšek > Slovenian American National Council (1, 1943), Mirko G. Kuhel > Sunday Times (1, 1943), Frano Petrinovic > Ivan Šubašić (1, 1944), Slovenska izseljenska matica > Tehnična pisarna za razstavo OF (1, 1951), Ivan M. Čok > Trivanović (1, 1943), Radovan Zogović > Ujedinjeni odbor Južno slovenskih Amerikanaca (1 + 1 priloga, 1944), Ivan Šubašić > United Committee of South Slav Americans (3, 1944), Neugotovljeni pošiljatelj > Vodušek (1, b. d.), Vlado Velebit > Vojna misija N. O. V. (1, 1944), Vincent Cainkar > War Relief Fund of Americans of South Slavic Descent (1 + 1 priloga, b. d.), Sava N. Kosanović > Washington Post (1, 1944), Slovenian American National Council > Sumner Welles (1 + 1 priloga, 1943), Emil Adamič > Neugotovljeni naslovnik (2, 1926–1936)

VI. 1. Apel Louisa Adamiča za pomoč Jugoslaviji (1)

VI. 2. Austrian infantry battalion (1, 1942)

VI. 3. The battle for the Balkans (1)

VI. 4. Besedila radijskih oddaj:

Jugoslavische Künstler im Rotterdamischer Kunstkring (1)

VI. 5. Božidar Jakac [Reprodukcija pisma v obliki plakata] (1, 1947)

VI. 6. Dokumentacija o Jugoslaviji in jugoslovanskih društvih v ZDA (101 + 2 prilogi, 1943–1947 in b. d.) glej tudi Jugoslovanski informacijski center (New York)

VI. 7. Dokumentacija o Sloveniji in slovenskih društvih v ZDA glej Dokumentacija o Jugoslaviji in jugoslovanskih društvih v ZDA

VI. 8. Edvard Kardelj (2, 1946)

VI. 9. Fotografije:

VI. 9. 1. Fotografije vojnih slik (18)

VI. 9. 2. Fotografski posnetki pisem in dokumentacije (24)

VI. 9. 3. Franklin Delano Roosevelt (1)

VI. 9. 4. P. Dobrović: Dubrovački Gospar [Slika] (1)

VI. 9. 5. Portreti (1)

VI. 10. Intervjuji in telefonski pogovori (5 + 1 priloga: seznam intervjujev in telefonskih pogovorov)

VI. 11. Josip Broz - Tito [Reprodukciji pisma v obliki plakata] (4, 1944)

VI. 12. Jugoslovanski informacijski center (New York) (35, 1942–1943) glej tudi Propagandno gradivo Royal Yugoslav Information Centra (New York):

VI. 12. 1. Popis gradiva Jugoslovanskega informacijskega centra (2)

VI. 13. Katalog razstave Petra Dobrovića (1)

VI. 14. Kritike del Louisa Adamiča (1)

VI. 15. The native's return (1)

VI. 16. Plakati (6 + 1):

VI. 16. 1. Plakati prireditev (5)

VI. 17. Pogovor Josipa Broza Tita s člani Progresivne stranke, rednimi univerzitetnimi profesorji idr. (1, 1949)

VI. 18. Poročila FBI o Louisu Adamiču (4, 1949–1957)

VI. 19. Posnetki časopisa Agramer Tagblatt iz leta 1909 (4)

VI. 20. Propagandno gradivo Royal Yugoslav Information Centra (New York) (26)

VI. 21. Recenzije, kritike in notice o delih Louisa Adamiča (9)

VI. 22. Royal Yugoslav Government Information Center (New York) glej Jugoslovanski informacijski center (New York)

VI. 23. Save the Children International Union (1, 1944)

VI. 24. Seznam pisem Louisa Adamiča (1)

VI. 25. Simpozij o Louisu Adamiču (5 + 1 priloga)

VI. 26. Slovenski ameriški narodni svet (6)

VI. 27. Sporočila tajnice (4)

VI. 28. A statement on the yugoslav situation (1 + 1 priloga)

VI. 29. Tiski:

VI. 29. 1. Monografske publikacije:

Joseph Clissold: The Slovenes want to live / New York: The Yugoslav Information Center, [1943] (1), Literature and the art of writing / The University of Iowa, 1934–1935 (1), Naš rojak in slovenstvo: izdano v počastitev 90-letnice rojstva Louisa Adamiča / V Grosupljem, 23. marca 1988 (1), Yugoslavia's new constitution: a study in 20th century democracy / United Committee of South Slavic Americans (1)

VI. 29. 2. Serijske publikacije:

Bandwagon: 1948/16 (1), The Bullettin of the United Committee of South-Slavic Americans: 1944/1 (1); 1945/1 (1); 1945/3 (1), Contemporary Jewish Record: 1942/5 glej Dela: Proza: Sincerely Yours: a Correspondence, The Christian Register: Unitarian: 1944/11 (1), The Dalhousie Review: 1944/1 (1), Frauenzeitung des Agramer Tagblattes [Zvezan letnik]: 1914 (1), Ljubljanski zvon [Izrezki] (2), Okence: glasilo Osnovne šole Louis Adamič (Grosuplje): 1971–72/1 (1), The Princeton University Library Chronicle: 1967/2 (1), The Protestant: 1950/6 (1), Read: 1944/11 (1), Readers Digest: 1939/203 (1), Trends and Ties – a Paper of Information and Opinion: 1947/2 (1); 1948/4 (1), Yugoslav News-Bulletin: 1942/12 (1)

VI. 30. 30-letnica smrti Louisa Adamiča (31)

VI. 31. Vabila (9)

VI. 32. Zapisnik o posojenih predmetih Louisa Adamiča iz Narodne in univerzitetne knjižnice Muzeju Louisa Adamiča v Prapročah (1)

VI. 33. Drobno gradivo (77 + 1 priloga)